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Group Information

Group name Trio Group
Group representative Michio Kinoshita
Main business Using ICT technology to solve business issues in close partnership with our clients.
  • System environment construction
  • Software development
  • Use of AI technology
  • Support for overseas expansion
Number of employees Japan: Approximately 320 people
Overseas: Approximately 100 people
In total: Approximately 420 people

Group companies and executives

Trio System Plans Co., Ltd.
Based on the philosophy of “creating people-friendly systems,” we will contribute to building a rich information society by organically and efficiently fusing the three elements of “hardware,” “software,” and “humanware.”
Name of company Trio System Plans Co., Ltd.
Establishment August 1979
President Masanori Nojiri
HP www.trio.co.jp
Masanori NojiriMasanori Nojiri
Act Brain Co., Ltd.
We think together with our customers, raise issues, and create new value.
Name of company Act Brain Co., Ltd.
Establishment February 1977
President Hirohito Fuchu
HP www.act-web.co.jp
Hirohito FuchuHirohito Fuchu
Trio System Plans Co., Ltd. ロゴ
Based on our philosophy of “providing the best possible service for our customers from their perspective,” we utilize the wisdom and ideas spun from our advanced technical capabilities and abundant experience to escort our customers to the creation of stable corporate networks.
Name of company Trio System Plans (Changchun) Co., Ltd.
Establishment May 2003
Chairman and President Xu Tanqi
HP www.cctrio.com.cn
Xu TanqiXu Tanqi
We proactively respond to customer needs with the latest technology and our motto is to always provide effective solutions.
Name of company Act Brain Vietnam Corporation
Establishment April 2007
President Norihiro Ozeki
HP www.actbrain-vn.com/en/
Norihiro OzekiNorihiro Ozeki
Link Technology Co., Ltd.
We respect the honesty and autonomy of our employees and contribute to society by specializing and sharing technology.
Name of company Link Technology Co., Ltd.
Establishment June 2009
President Atsushi Kawai
HP www.link-tech.co.jp/english/index.html
Atsushi KawaiAtsushi Kawai
As a company specializing in operational operations, we are at the forefront of information to discover problems and offer hints and ideas for improvement.
Name of company TSP CRESUS Co., Ltd.
Establishment August 2012
President Takashi Yamaguchi
HP www.tcresus.co.jp
Takashi YamaguchiTakashi Yamaguchi
Uchinah Hito Musubi Co., Ltd. logo
Based on the blessings of Okinawa, hospitality, teamwork and teaching, we aim to be a company where you can value your hobbies and time with your family while working.
Name of company Uchinah Hito Musubi Co., Ltd.
Establishment February 2023
President Takahiko Okada
HP uchina-hitomusubi.okinawa/company
Takahiko OkadaTakahiko Okada

Portrait Artist
Illustrator | Marika Mino

All the portraits on this site were created by Marika Minomo. Marika Minomo is active in magazines and on TV. For more information on her activities, please see the following website.