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Reconstruction Support Activities

Sakura Line 311

Sakura Line 311

Noto Peninsula Reconstruction Support

Noto Peninsula Reconstruction Support

Sakura Line 311

Sakura Line 311

What is Sakura Line 311?

On March 11, 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred, and within an hour following the earthquake, a tsunami struck the Tohoku region.
As people in Japan felt time stood still, so did many people living in Rikuzentakata City.
Afterwards, the news was broadcasted, saying, “In fact, there were records and traces of a tsunami of the same scale as this one, engulfing the Sanriku coast.”
Previous to the earthquake, if only the information that this tsunami had the possibility of exceeding 10 meters had been shared and loudly proclaimed! If only people had been made aware of the limitations of the seawalls before occurrance of the earthquake!
Wouldn’t the number of lives lost in the tsunami have been far fewer?
With deep regrets in their hearts and such disapointments, people began an activity (named “Sakura Line 311”) to plant cherry trees to mark the points where tsunami reached and pursuit to pass on this story to future hoping that this kind of history doesn’t repeat itself in the next generation.
Trio Group sympathized with these feelings of purpose and began supporting this activity.
What is Sakura Line 311?

Status of Efforts

One year after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, an article about Sakura Line 311 was published in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun. The article clearly stated the purpose of their activities:
“Planting cherry trees along the lines that will serve as landmarks for people evacuating.” We were so impressed that we decided to support it.

Status of efforts
Status of efforts
Status of efforts
At the 35th Anniversary Ceremony of Trio System Plans Co., Ltd., Mr. Okamoto, the representative of Sakura Line 311, attended and gave a presentation to inform about the activities of Sakura Line 311 as well as the importance of daily preparatins to our employees and customers.
The 35th Anniversary Celebration of Trio System Plans, Inc.

Donations for Sakura Line 311 Activities

Since the donation presentation at the 35th anniversary ceremony of Trio System Plans Co., Ltd., we have been holding events including general meetings of shareholders and training sessions, as well as events attended by people from other companies, such as charity golf competitions to inform Sakura Line’s activities. Every year, we continue to deliver thoughts of various people in different forms of donations.

Noto Peninsula Reconstruction Support

Noto Peninsula Reconstruction Support


Our activities are mainly centered around providing donations and relief money for those affected by the disaster so that they can return to their normal lives as soon as possible.
Noto Peninsula Reconstruction Support

Status of Efforts

We are promoting various donations and support activities, such as donations of relief funds for the 2024 Oku-Noto heavy rain disaster and donations of relief funds and support funds for the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake.

Status of efforts
Status of efforts